Yo, remember that I am alderex I'm like ur best friend mf, when I release 3.4 of the swag book you'll feel swagger I tell you B)
content man, dewd. expect all kinds of stuff here, dewd. i also become depressed at least five times a year, dewd.
Age 16, Male
Kyle Broflovski
the united states
Joined on 6/24/21
Yo, remember that I am alderex I'm like ur best friend mf, when I release 3.4 of the swag book you'll feel swagger I tell you B)
Only Diamondmanpixel76 can go from seemly normal news posts, like a pic of a Sonic plush to suicide posts, I have to say, it's getting out of hand, I hope you seek medical help now @Diamondmanpixel76, before people lose a good friend.
Diamondmanpixel76, you are one of my best friends i have ever met on Newgrounds. You have a great personality. You are kind, funny, and encouraging. You actually encouraged me to make some comic strips! There are many people that love you and your art. There are people that are rude to me at school, just don't listen to those stupid people, only care about being YOU.
Ay, you gotta calm down, even though your real life friends doesn't like you, there's your online friends who always support you, i was got bullied aswell since i was in elementary school (until now), beating the shit out of me and make my head bleeding a lot, but yeah, as the time passed by, they're getting bored and the started to leave me
There's at least one friend you don't know secretly likes you when you're get bullied like that, or you can ask us "online friends" for help and get you calm down
Hey man being called gay isn’t the worst thing and I’m pretty sure your friends do care about you. Honestly they’re probably just bullying you for attention. But suicide isn’t the answer
Buddy the world is a real big place. All you need is a better group of people around you in your life.
If you gotta ditch negative people and keep your distance go ahead.
If you think no one will make fun of you when you end you're life, then you're seriously wrong. Take it from someone who not only has had to deal with his own problems, but also someone who's known others to contemplate taking that way out. I don't know if you believe in some kind of afterlife or not, but the one fact remains. No one in this modern world has respect for the dead like it used to be before our times. You kill yourself and the ridicule continues. The only difference being that you no longer have a voice to fight back.
You kill yourself and the people that have hurt you in life have won, so why give them the satisfaction? Rather than wallow in your own sadness and depression, make them regret not doing their own dirty work. They want you to kill yourself, because they're too much of a coward to do it for you. Think on that for a second. Do you honestly really want to give these fuckers that hurt you the satisfaction that they gotten to you so badly or do you want to take that sadness anger and depression out on them and make them regret hurting you. Either you spit out your own blood or make them spit theirs. Those are your options.
Hey take a moment to think about all the good things in life. Maybe a fun time you had multiple days ago and just dont think negativly. Dont let some stupid school bullies end yor life. You now yourself that your not gay so it doesent really matter if they do. just... i dont really know what to say. Just dont commit suicide. Its not worth it. Im shure this comunity likes you. :)
you got to endure that shitty part of the business, man. i know it sucks, but don't let them get the best of you.
look at it this way: you kill yourself, they feel terrible for a few years, maybe even quite a lot of years, but you're dead. they're not. they'll keep on having their stupid miserable lives and move on at some point, and they don't deserve that over you.
i've seen people in your situation before and you either fight everyday, or endure everyday, and sooner than you know it, it'll stop. you end school, or you meet actually cool people.
take care of yourself buddy, and definitely don't harm yourself. you don't deserve that, and they don't deserve that satisfaction either. they'll be put in their place sooner or later, hang in there brah
Point being is, that you think you're alone, but it's clear these people have come here for you. To offer you nothing but love and respect. These people pouring their souls out would if they could back you up against the people that made your life miserable. If I was of age and in school with you, I'd show those bastards no mercy, but let you have a swing at them too. I've been bullied, I became a bully at some point in my life and I also had similar rumors spread about me at a few years younger than you. In the 90s where people were strongly divided between those pro-gay and those severely homophobic. I got my ass kicked many times due to the rumors alone and they stuck with me from 2nd Grade to Junior High. But once I reached High School, it was around the time Canada had fully accepted LGBTQ at the time. Nobody gave a shit if the rumors were true or not. So I just went about the rest of my school years and graduated, albeit with a few slip ups in confrontation. Suicide is not the answer, it causes despair on your loved ones and your many fans here, who would miss you dearly. As well as give those punks the satisfaction that they got to you, when they really should be worried about you kicking their asses. Here's a tip, take on the biggest and toughest of them. Even if you don't win the fight, it makes him lose face in front of his friends and make them too scared to take you on. Also no vital area is taboo. If there's an opportunity to break some balls with your feet, take it.
Dear Diamondmanpixel76 - this response from a random took awhile to craft. I wasn't going to say anything, but here's what you need to know.
You are clearly loved. Your choices matter. Everyone must love each other, everyone is needed! What would we do without you? Who else is as honest as you? Who else is as confident? The courage it took to post this is incredible! Give yourself credit every moment of the day for being your authentic self. The trials you're experiencing now will only serve to strengthen you.
As a straight man who was called gay (and now makes questionable art), let me assure you, as long as you look after your body, it only gets better :). Your experience will prepare you for life. Tears are part of the journey for everyone. Use that energy you have to move. Always keep moving.
I know this sounds cliche, but eat well! Sleep well! Rest well! We must be good to ourselves first, before we can be good to others. Don't be bothered by starving people who can't find peace - they have their own journey too. You have your own trials, and that's all you need to think about right now.
Please report back when you are fed and rested! People always come back as soon as they can. Be well!
@EpicGamer415 Dude, I'm just trying to give this guy reasons to live. A fan of mine is a friend of his and she made a newspost asking anyone for help. If you don't like it, more power to you, but I will try to help this person any way I can. Either help or stay out of the way.
Grow some balls. Did you ever consider the fact that you might not be gay, but you might be acting like a pussy? Think about it.
So, some idiots are calling you names and saying things that are untrue. And? Let's look at the facts in that statement.
1. They're idiots.
2. They're calling you names.
3. They're saying things that are untrue.
So, if they're idiots, does anything they say matter? Always consider the source.
So, idiots are calling you names. Boo hoo. Consider the source and react accordingly.
So, idiots are saying things that are untrue. Does anyone believe them? Well, that depends on you. Do you piss your panties and throw a fit in front of everyone, and collapse into a puddle of poop and tears in the hallway? If you do, you may be a pussy. Or, do you do what mature people do and give them the "um...ok...?" straight face: e_e and look at them like they're being idiots. ...which we've already determined that they are, and then, turn and head off on your way?
Names hurt if you let them, or if you haven't learned how to rise above it. So, they say "you're [GAY!] It's a word. Change it to something more fun. We're going to alter the space/time continuum and use a different word. We're going to change [GAY] to ...um, how about [HAMBURGER]. So now, the bullies shout "You're [HAMBURGER]!" What do you do? Cry and pee and collapse on the ground? Or, do you stay calm, think to yourself "...dufuq?" and give them the straight face e_e? Or [tacos] or [hotdog] or [beenie weenies]; whatever food fills you with joy and makes them look stupid. Or, you could even replace [gay] with [better than me cuz you're not fazed by my stupidity]. That's not as tasty, tho. But, it's true, right?
Or, maybe you cut yourself and hope to die. ...in which case, you gave them the win, and you lost the game. Which is a pussy-ish thing to do.
If they call you gay and you're not, It's a lie. Ignore it. ...and, stop wearing pink. ...and putting bows in your hair. ...and, yeah, guys don't wear mascara, so knock dat shit off. What, you don't do any of that? Ok, check the box next to [x] not gay, and move on. Or, keep the pink bows and mascara and wear an "OPEN" sign from the back of your belt on your skirt and give & take dat sausage with the best of them. ...um, don't do that, bro.
Let it all roll off your back, and you'll piss them off something fierce. Bullies hate that. And, eventually, when peeps at school see the bully being dumb, and you being a bigger, better man, they'll ask you, "hey, why is [bully] such a dick to you?" and you'll give them a smirk, and reply, "cuz he's an idiot" and rack up yet another stud point. Or maybe they won't ask, but they'll think to themselves, "geez, [bully's] a dick to that guy, but it never seems to faze him. He's got some ballz!" ...because you have balls.
Your choice. Grow balls and be a bigger man, and gain the respect of everyone who sees. Or, cut yourself and hope to die, and if you're successful, you will PROVE to everyone that you are indeed a pussy. Think about it; have you ever heard a suicide and heard people commenting, "Joe killed himself because of a bully. Wow, Joe sure had BALLS!!" Um, no. No one ever says you have balls if you end your self. But, do they comment, "Joe killed himself. What a weak ass pussy." One of those statements is more likely. But, EVERYONE, even those who didn't know you before, will then know you killed yourself, and make fun of you, and forget you in a month or less. You gain nothing.
Grow ballz.
Have fun with your bully(s) and their stupidity.
Gain the respect of your peeps, because they see you can stand up to crap from idiots.
I still remember my bullies, everybody has them. Bullies were bullied until they became bullies. But now, I feel sorry for them because I got over it and became successful, and have the respect of whose I work with. I make them laugh and bless their day by being who I am. Whereas, the bullies? They probably work crappy jobs and have no self esteem. And, crappy tattoos. Lots of 'em. And, look at that belly! Fuck, bully boy, get to the gym! xP
The choice is always yours. Grow dem, bro, and be better.
...and join ROTC, go into the military after school, and fly an F-18, while [bully] goes to work at Walmart after he gets out of school. Doesn't that sound like a better plan? BALLS, bro, BALLS!!!!
@EpicGamer415 This coming from a guy trying to start a fight in front of a kid threatening to kill themselves that's rich. I seen people like you before, guys like you are the reasons why kids like Diamond here don't feel safe. You're nothing but a bully trying to instigate shit and I'm not taking the bait. So fuck off, you're not helping. Oh and one other thing, the fact that you accuse me out of the blue of pedophilia, when all I've been doing was trying to talk a suicidal teenager out of doing a horrible thing, says more about you than it does about me. Maybe Chris Hansen should show up at your place.
Do yourself a favor Diamond, don't take advice from @EpicGamer415, as you can see he's more into starting fights than he is into helping others. I came here because @KhaosKitsune617 posted a newspost asking anyone to try to help you out. I've had experience talking people out of killing themselves before, I was one of the people that managed to save @DoorMeme. Much like you DoorMeme is a teen who was bullied relentlessly, simply because he liked making Rule34 Eddsworld Stuff and not having an outlet for those urges.
Granted it doesn't compare to what you're going through, being falsely accused of being an orientation you're not, but the point being is that DoorMeme got out of it ok and is now on the way to Graduating High School. You too can get out of it. School Rumours are just that, School Rumours. They don't leave the school and go with you. Once you're out, the only thing the world would care about is how much they can exploit you for skills to work and pay you less for it. The only people that would try to make the rumours stick often have karma hit them back in the worst ways.
1. Thin people making fun of fat people, become fat themselves.
2. Racists get a taste of racism when they least suspect it.
3. Homophobes accusing other kids of being gay? 90% of them are in the closet and so insecure about themselves they feel the need to bully others to not get found out. And half that percentage is often do to being secretly attracted to the person they are accusing. The only thing that surprises me is that in a modern world where LGBTQ+ is being more tolerant, there are still people out there that do that shit. This isn't the south in the 1960s, this is the modern world of 2023.
And if any of your bullies are watching or god forbid have their own Newgrounds account I have this to say. "Fuck all of you!! If anyone deserves death it's you."
@Diamondmanpixel76 First of all, I'm glad to have heard from you. Even if you don't feel any better the fact that you're still here is a good thing on it's own. Second, I wish to apologize for what you've read there between me and EpicLamer here. I've been advised not to speak to this person again, since he's clearly a troll not caring whether you live or die. That being said, like I said before, regarding what you're feeling and what you feel you need to do to ease your pain, you are not alone.
Okay. Thank you
@Diamondmanpixel76 No problem. If you need to talk to someone about this, my DMs are open.
@EpicGamer415 Bro chill, @CIEIRMusic is actually making effort in paragraphs actually shows he cares for @Diamondmanpixel76
@oziasmason all he's doing is starting drama on a guy because he insulted him, he could just have ended the conversation in that but he decided to fake things like he's saying things he never said, worst part is cieir is 31 year old and he's doing this shit
Please do not kill yourself. I know you have been going through a lot. But please dont. Think about me. Think about the NG community. Call a hotline please. (´・_・`)