I’m Sorry to hear that buddy
content man, dewd. expect all kinds of stuff here, dewd. i also become depressed at least five times a year, dewd.
Age 16, Male
Kyle Broflovski
the united states
Joined on 6/24/21
I’m Sorry to hear that buddy
Look. I'm gonna try to say this as nicely as possible. Your biggest problem regarding this, is not so much what you did, but how you react to getting punished for it. You're impulsive, your emotions get the better of you and as a result of said punishment being for a short time, you feel bad about it later. Now in your defense you didn't know and you do have a right to defend yourself on that, but wishing a parent to be dead over getting grounded over french fries is overkill. I'm not saying you don't have a right to be mad, just not a right to be that mad. Also, if it hasn't happened already, be lucky that your mother didn't see your last article about calling her a bitch. I only called my mom a bitch once as a kid, for a reason just as petty.....let's just say I only called her it once. Never again since even well after she did pass.
Now I could be wrong as I do not know your mom and sure as hell don't know her better than you do, but if you can control your impulse and your temper then I guarantee at worst your groundings will be few and between or at best the punishment is less severe than you think it is. Next time you do something to piss her off and she grounds you, calm down, take a deep breath admit what you've done, apologize then go to your room with as much dignity as you can muster. You may even take her by surprise on that one.
thanks for the advice, i'll keep it in mind
@Diamondmanpixel76 No problem. As my characters Light Harmony always say "Breathe Deep, Relax. Don't Stress Deep Breath." https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/1035971
You're a good person Diamond. You just have to keep yourself under control sometimes. A strong person fights, but a stronger person knows when not to.
Im sorry. You need better emotional control though.
I'm sorry about that.