You are not a liar and a thief, at least not from what I've seen. You're a creative guy who's made countless art, music, and videos, all of which seem original. And I see that you are self aware enough to see the faults of your past self, and if you were still just a liar and a thief who just causes problems for everyone around you, you wouldn't be able to make that observation. The past is that, just the past. It does have an effect today and in the near future, but it doesn't have to effect your whole life. Please just find someone to talk to about this IRL, weather it's family or a school councilor, because someone cares about you and are willing to help you. I wish there was a way I could help, but at the end of the day, I'm a random online user. Please, talk to a therapist.
Dude don't say that! If there is a problem, there's always a way. Is there anything we could do to help ya man?