I am tired of living and I might just finally put it all to an end today. What started as a joke ended up being something for someone to make me pissed about. I'm not gonna go into detail on it because nobody will understand, as what happened with the joke. I haven't been with any of my "friends", but I tried to start a joke with one person, ONE FUCKING PERSON, and it goes wrong! At first, I felt like we were friends when the school year started, but not anymore. If only I hadn't made that joke, I wouldn't have to resort to this. But, I'm left with no choice. Now that cunt is spreading misinformation about me that is fucking bullshit. The only way to prevent being an outcast from absolutely everyone is to commit suicide, which is exactly what I'm going to try and do when I get home, because nothing else works, and I don't deserve to live anyway after the shit I've put everyone through. No matter what anyone says, you can't change my mind now. I'm sorry for just about everything I've ever done, you won't have to worry about me ever again. If I make a post later today, it's probably going to have something to do with what I've planned to kill myself with. I don't deserve this shitty life anymore, and I'm done with it.
Hey man don't kill yourself please. Some friends come and go and most people forget about misinformation anyway. If anything karma is gunna get him but killing yourself won't do anything to help it. you're just gunna be a joke if you do but standing strong is much braver. And if anything think about your family