Hey, guys, it's Diamondman. I've been starting to feel a bit on the sad side again, but this time, because of some concern for a friend I made on Twitter/X.
What does he post? Before this breakdown, it's mostly just stuff about Kim Pine, one of the characters from the Scott Pilgrim series. He tends to vent a little now, and often posts about his negative thoughts, such as his low self-esteem, alcoholism, thoughts of suicide, etc.
I've been following him for a few weeks now, and I'd have one less thing to live for if I didn't see him post stuff about a fictional character from one of my favorite graphic novel series. I know one thing doesn't sound like much, but to me, one thing can be everything.
So, what do I expect you guys to do about this? I expect you all to go follow him, and support him as much as you can! It doesn't have to be much, just leave kind comments and whatnot. If you don't want to follow him on Twitter/X, you can also follow him on Instagram.
If your friend really had some kind of (presumably internet-related) breakdown, it would be best for them to take a break and 'not' seek endless confirmation from an anonymous stream of people who do not actually know them.
If you consider yourself someone's friend, 'you' should talk to them and be there for them. Write them an email - which is a lot more private and you can talk about personal stuff you would not mention publicly. (Only the both of you and the NSA will read it.)