content man, dewd. expect all kinds of stuff here, dewd. i also become depressed at least five times a year, dewd.

Age 16, Male

Kyle Broflovski


the united states

Joined on 6/24/21

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4,212 / 4,440
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Diamondmanpixel76's News

Posted by Diamondmanpixel76 - 1 month ago

Nobody's been talking in it, nobody new has joined, and, overall, I feel like it's one of the contributing factors to my depression.


Posted by Diamondmanpixel76 - 1 month ago

I'm sorry, guys, but I just can't seem to catch a proper break. So far, all it's been doing is making me more stressed out than I already am.

Just... expect more content and vent posts soon



Posted by Diamondmanpixel76 - 1 month ago

I've been told by a friend that I should maybe take a break. To be honest, it sounds like a good idea, but I'm also kinda scared to because I'm afraid you all will be mad at me for not posting enough, and I already feel like I owe you all more content than I can make. Don't worry, new Aliyanah and Farrah comics will still come, because I scheduled times for them to be uploaded. See you all in two weeks



Posted by Diamondmanpixel76 - 1 month ago

I'm sorry for my existence! I never meant to cause any harm to anyone, and I'm living in constant fear, regret, anxiety, and depression. I feel like no matter what I try to do, my mental health will never improve, because there's always going to be at least one thing or person holding me back. It's been that way, and it's always going to be that way for the rest of my life, until I'm dead. I've kept trying and trying, but I still think about committing suicide, and it hurts me to know that I can actually kill someone with rude words. I never wanted trouble, and I never asked for any of this perpetual torture. Things used to be so good, I used to have tons of friends, but one by one, they've all been leaving me because they're so easily offended by my interests. I just can't live knowing that I'm always going to be harassed by someone salty. Nobody cares what I say, think, do, or make, people are still going to hate me. Every day, I think about if anyone would care if I was dead. The answer is always "not really." I wish I could just go back and fix my mistakes, but this isn't kindergarten class where everything's rainbow sunshine unicorns. This is real life, where there's death, pain, suffering, and hysteria everywhere. It's hard to forget about the past when it's constantly being brought up. I've lost almost everything I love in life to easily offended jackasses, and, by this point, I'm just too depressed. Too depressed to even bring myself to self-harm. To everyone, I'm just a selfish, insensitive, dangerous, perverted, lying jerk. I always seem to be the cause of a lot of problems, and I'm tired of it. Being here just causes more suffering for myself and everyone around me. It doesn't matter. None of this matters. Life is no longer worth living, but I'm too much of a coward to commit suicide, so I have to take in more pain. Nobody will ever read this anyway, because all they expect from me is just endless comics and art. Even then, nobody looks at that either, nor do they even like it. I'm trying to get at a better place mentally, but what's the point? It's just another problem that's never going to go away. I never want to be depressed again, is that too much to ask for? Yes, it is, apparently, because, by this point, my self-esteem is so low, I wake up and realize that I'm still alive, and that's a bad thing. There's just no point anymore, and I don't know when to quit, or what's wrong with me.



Posted by Diamondmanpixel76 - 1 month ago

I'm gonna start posting how the month went for me, just to let you all know that I'm still alive and stuff, and also just to vent a little.

So, what have I been doing outside of Newgrounds? Well, not a lot of good stuff. I've been living with the feelings of guilt, regret, and depression. Don't worry, I'm still trying to fight these feelings. Besides all that, I've been watching a lot of SpongeBob SquarePants on DVD (I'm almost finished with the first season, planning on finishing it tonight), playing a lot of Sonic and Mega Man, and, overall, just trying to reach a better life right now. I've also been working on comics and stuff.

What have I been doing inside of Newgrounds? Just the usual-- posting funny reviews that I hope others will find funny, following new people, and uploading art and stuff. I've even uploaded a new video. As you probably know, I've also been trying to post advice that I'm hoping can be helpful.

So, how do I feel right now? Shameful, and still somewhat depressed. I regret posting anything that's basically a vent post. I mean, it's nice to hear what you all have to say, but I feel dumb for even posting that kind of stuff now. I'm trying to get farther away from having a full-on existential crisis, but at the same time, I feel like I'm getting closer to it. My mom got pissed at the neighbors' kids just for letting their dog crap on our lawn, which happens a lot, but she's never said anything to them about it until now, so there goes any chance of me hanging out with them again, at least until the end of the school year or longer. I've also been unable to sleep at night due to these feelings, and I don't know if what I'm doing is exactly helping myself. My concern for others is also dramatically increasing, for what might be no reason.

Ultimately, I hope February will be better for me than January was. I'm still trying to do things to improve my mood, and I really hope I get in a better place mentally soon. If that ever does happen, I'll make sure to post about it. Until then, see you all in the next post.


Posted by Diamondmanpixel76 - January 29th, 2025

Hey, everyone! I wanted to let you all know that I decided to put Aliyanah and Farrah over on Webtoon!

How will uploading there work? Well, once I finish a chapter on here, the entirety of that chapter will be publicly available over there.

Go read the series there: https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/aliyanah-and-farrah/list?title_no=1022342

Also read the series here on Newgrounds if you haven't already:



Posted by Diamondmanpixel76 - January 29th, 2025

Hey, guys, Diamondman again. If you remember, last time I talked a little about leaving kind comments. If you haven't read about that yet, you can do so here. However, there are some things I forgot to mention.

First off, with leaving comments by typing, there comes a lot of ways your comment can be misinterpreted. It could potentially be seen as rude, demeaning, or even downright offensive. It could also make that person uncomfortable if you're not careful. It's nice to be nice, but there is such thing as too nice. Don't believe me? Here, look at this comment I made a few weeks back:


The problem with my comment is potentially the way I worded it, and the way I delivered it. Maybe we should get into that.

So, writing your comment should normally come easy, right? You're just saying how nice a thing someone made is, right? Wrong. It's all about writing the right thing. And sometimes, that's not very easy. Another thing with typing is nobody can tell if you're being sarcastic or if you're actually serious. But, there's a few ways I can think of to make sure people know you're being serious with your comment.

Let's get one thing out of the way: emojis and emoticons. A lot of people, including myself, use these almost every day in online conversation. You could use positive emojis or emoticons to reinforce that you're being kind.

Another thing is wording. As mentioned, the way you word your comment can heavily affect the outcome of it, as well as spelling. I'm not saying you have to have a degree in Grammar or anything, just try to use words correctly, and make sure to spell check your comment before posting it. There's autocorrect, which can help at least 90% of the time you write.

And finally, just make sure your comment is something you'd want to see. I believe that if it's something you'd want to see, it's most likely something that others would want to see.

Don't forget to check for reactions to your comment, such as replies, likes, dislikes, hearts, etc., although this is Newgrounds, so the only reactions you'd get on here are replies and face reactions. If you're on another social media site, such as YouTube or Reddit, then... well... you know what to look at.

Hopefully this helps you, and I'm sorry that I forgot to cover this in the previous post about this topic. See you in the next post! :)



Posted by Diamondmanpixel76 - January 28th, 2025

Hey, guys, it's Diamondman. I've been starting to feel a bit on the sad side again, but this time, because of some concern for a friend I made on Twitter/X.

What does he post? Before this breakdown, it's mostly just stuff about Kim Pine, one of the characters from the Scott Pilgrim series. He tends to vent a little now, and often posts about his negative thoughts, such as his low self-esteem, alcoholism, thoughts of suicide, etc.

I've been following him for a few weeks now, and I'd have one less thing to live for if I didn't see him post stuff about a fictional character from one of my favorite graphic novel series. I know one thing doesn't sound like much, but to me, one thing can be everything.

So, what do I expect you guys to do about this? I expect you all to go follow him, and support him as much as you can! It doesn't have to be much, just leave kind comments and whatnot. If you don't want to follow him on Twitter/X, you can also follow him on Instagram.



Posted by Diamondmanpixel76 - January 27th, 2025

Well, I just ended Chapter 1 of The DiamondmanPixel Comics F. I hope you all enjoyed seeing some bonding between Diamondman and Leylah. But, what now?

Well, expect me to make some more chapters, and expect at least three chapters a year. I don't want to overwhelm myself with comics too much. I mean, I think I already am by running two different comics at once.

Speaking of which, expect a new chapter of Aliyanah and Farrah to come out later this week. It's just the usual double upload for five weeks, so there's just gonna be the usual ten comics, although I'm thinking of doing more comics per chapter.

A final thing is, expect some more casual art soon, I have a lot of new ideas this year, and I may or may not be in a few collabs. You never really know with me.

Okay, that's all I have to say. See you all later, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the month!


Posted by Diamondmanpixel76 - January 26th, 2025

Okay, for some reason, I've started to enjoy leaving comments that seem pretty wholesome. Not that it's a bad thing, I just suppose that I'm hoping it boosts the moods of others, as well as my own.

What exactly is a kind comment? Well, it's exactly what it sounds like: A comment that serves the purpose of being kind. It doesn't have to be exclusively a comment, it could also be a message to someone on Discord, or a direct post on somewhere like Twitter, posting wholesome art or music, or even just directly telling someone something kind. An example I have is right here:


It might not seem like it does much, but it can actually help, somewhat. If you leave a nice comment, you might get one back, but sometimes it can depend on where you are. Because of this, I personally believe that boosting the mood of others can boost your mood, as well.

With all that being said, pretty much, expect me to make some more wholesome posts. Have a nice day, everyone. <3
